The two-week wait

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The two-week wait (the time between ovulation and the time a pregnancy test can be taken) can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.  Many women ask me what they should or should not eat/do during this window of time.  The general recommendation is to “eat as if you are already pregnant”. A quick internet search will suggest much more: pineapple cores, pomegranate juice, the list goes on and on. Here is my list of suggestions for what to do during the two-week wait, based on my own research and thought process. This is not an all-inclusive list and does not apply to every women ttc. These are my general recommendations based on my nutrition and reproductive knowledge:


  1. Make sure you are getting in enough choline. You should be eating as if you are already pregnant. Check your prenatal vitamin. If it does not have at LEAST 150 mg of choline, you likely need to supplement. My go-to is this this one.    

2. Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) like Advil. Since taking this type of medication has been linked to increased risk of miscarriage, it makes sense to avoid taking these at this time. Acetaminophen medication like Tylenol should be taken instead if you must take something.

3.     Pick your teas wisely. Steer clear of teas and herbs that may induce uterine contraction or are stimulating like red raspberry leaf, peppermint, chamomile, licorice root, black cohosh, and stinging nettle leaf. Sticking with teas like spearmint, rooibos, lemon balm, or teas made from fruit are a safer choice to prevent the risk of this round not being successful.

4.    Excessive caffeine intake has been linked to increased risk of miscarriage in some women. Coffee, certain teas, matchas, and other sources of caffeine should be limited at this time to help increase your chances of success.

5.    Restorative yoga is a great practice during this time. Focus on poses that encourage blood flow to the uterus like child’s pose and cat/cow are great choices. Added bonus? Practicing yoga may help calm your nerves during this stressful time.

6.    Eat as if you are already pregnant. You MUST be taking a high quality vitamin with choline and DHA. Avoid foods like raw oysters, rare hamburger meat, and unpasteurized cheeses. It is also a good idea to cut back on alcohol intake at this time too. You often times get what you pay for when it comes to prenatal. Stick with prenatal that have nutrients in their active form (like methylcobalamin instead of cyanocobalamin when looking at vitamin B12). One option that I like is this one. For DHA, stick to one that also has EPA like this one.

7.    Not many people are fans of black licorice (present company included). If you happen to be a fan, a little bit of this treat is likely ok.  However, eating black licorice in large quantities is not recommended, as it can alter hormone levels in a non-ideal way.  Red licorice?  A-OK!

8.    Ripe papaya is a great choice when ttc and pregnant. You need to be cautious when eating unripe papaya or green papaya (often served in Asian restaurants). The green/unripe papaya can stimulate uterine contraction. Stick with the orange/red papaya or other ripe melons instead (and make sure the rind is washed before you eat it!)

9.    Make sure you get the green-light from your doctor for any herbs or supplements you have been taking when ttc to make sure they are still safe at this time. Even though many herbs and supplements are “natural”, it does not mean that they will support your pregnancy. Just double-check with your doc…better safe than sorry!

10. The presence of certain probiotics in a woman’s vagina is related to increased implantation rates. Additionally, women with a low percentage of this bacteria in their vaginal sample were less likely to have a successful embryo transfer.  Having a higher presence of certain lactobacillus strains seem to be key in supporting implantation (1, 2) . Bump up your fermented food intake, eat foods with live probiotics, or consider a supplement under the guidance of a health care provider. I will usually recommend these (click here) to my clients. You can read more about probiotics and fertility here.

11. Think you are in the clear drinking diet sodas that are caffeine-free?  Check this one out! Consumption of ≥3 servings of regular soft drinks or any amount of diet soft drinks was associated with mildly reduced implantation rates when undergoing assisted reproduction technologies (6).  Water is always your best-bet, but if you have to have something else, there are tons of water alternatives out there these days.


I am sure you noticed that pomegranate juice and pineapple core were not included on this list. Although it is a popular choice (and likely harmless), there is not enough evidence for me to recommend it to my clients. If you enjoy the pom juice and pineapple core, do you have to quit it?  No way! But I don’t recommend going out of your way making sure you are getting them in. Use common sense, take care of yourself, and think positive thoughts.  

For more fertility-friendly nutrition tips, follow me on social media (@LaurenLovesNutrition). And feel free to email me with any concerns with your personal nutrition plan or supplementation. Fingers crossed in two weeks you will see those sweet two pink lines and you will be on your way to becoming a mama!  Baby dust to you ~xo!

Please note this is intended for informational purposes only and not to be taken as personalized medical advice. Consult with your doctor for any changes to your plan. This site contains affiliate links at no additional cost to you. I only endorse products that are in alignment with my beliefs and profession.