Pregnancy Snacks for On-The-Go Mamas

Pregnant mamas have a lot to juggle. Not only do they have to prioritize eating nutritious foods to support a healthy pregnancy, but they also have to manage all of the other things in their daily lives – possibly including work, older kids, and trying to have some semblance of a social life. And while it would be nice if pregnant moms had the time to whip up homemade and nourishing snacks every day, the reality is that most people are way too busy to take the time to do this every day, thanks to our busy schedules and hectic lives.


Thankfully, there are many convenient snacks that pregnant moms can enjoy when they are on-the-go that require very little prep work (if any at all).


 But before we dig into which snacks are the best convenient picks, let’s understand why snacks are an important part of a pregnancy diet in the first place.


 We have all heard that a pregnant person is “eating for two”. And while that is a bit of an exaggeration, as being pregnant does not mean that you have to double the amount of food that you are eating, it is true that calorie and nutritional needs are increased during those precious nine months, with certain variations depending on the trimester. Mealtime is a perfect opportunity to sneak in some nourishing ingredients, but for many people, it is impossible to meet all of their nutritional needs simply by leaning on their three squares a day.


And this is why healthy snacks are so critical.


Including nutrient-dense snacks in a pregnancy diet can help fill nutritional gaps and keep a mama feeling energized, even when she is dealing with pesky common pregnancy side-effects like nausea, fatigue, or a lack of appetite. Opting for choices that check important nutritional boxes like having fiber, protein, healthy fats, or key pregnancy nutrients like folate or choline are the way to go when navigating your pregnancy snack choices. And among the many options out there, here are my three top-picks that are perfect no-fuss choices for people who live busy lifestyles.


So, without further ado, here are three pregnancy-friendly snacks that require very little prep work and pack a punch in the nutrition department.


Zing Bars


Protein bars are a quintessential grab-and-go snack. But, unfortunately, many options on the market are loaded with sugar are certainly lacking in the nutrition department. ZING bars contain healthy fats, plant-based protein, and fiber, making them a satiating snack that can help curb those hunger pangs that can happen shortly after snack time. No matter whether you are grabbing a Double Nut Brownie with Almond Butter bar to satisfy your sweet tooth or a Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip in Peanut Butter bar for some nutty goodness, tossing one of these bars in your purse and noshing on it mid-day can help you meet your nutrition needs while you are on your pregnancy journey.


Hard Boiled Egg


For a punch of high-quality protein, a hard boiled egg should be in your snacktime arsenal. Loaded with pregnancy-friendly nutrients like choline, iodine, and vitamin B12, snacking on a good old fashioned hard boiled egg is a low-cost and convenient choice that can help you fill important nutrient gaps in between meals.


Apple Chips and Nut Butter


 We all know that fresh fruit is jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are key to a healthy pregnancy. But keeping fresh sliced fruits, like apples and pears, in your purse or gym bag without being left with a mushy brown mess is nearly impossible. Enter apple chips --- dehydrated apple slices that contain the same fiber and nutrients that the fresh varieties provide. Combine baked apple chips with natural nut butter for a nourishing on-the-go snack that is packed with nutrients and totally satisfying.


 Pregnant Snacking When On-The-Go


If your days are all “go-go-go”, skipping snacks can be a tempting thing to do. But, especially if you are eating for two, including pregnancy-supporting snacks in your day can have a profound impact on your health and wellness during these precious 9 months. Leaning on balanced and healthy snacks while you are pregnant, like ZING bars, hard-boiled eggs, and apple chips with nut butter, can help you avoid nutritional gaps, meet your calorie needs, and help you feel satisfied during busy days. Bon Appetit!

Note: This post was sponsored by ZING bars, but all opinions are my own.

Lauren Manaker